Adam Lamb Preschool
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Monthly Highlights

Junior Kindergarten
March 2025

Dear Parents,

  Spring weather is around the corner, but until then please remember to send your child in proper outerwear as we try to go outside for recess as much as possible. Please note that Adam Lamb Preschool will be closed on March 24-28 for Spring Break.


  Our theme for March is Our Weather. Our children will be participating in several spring related activities. They will be observing, graphing, and predicting the weather; as well as learning what they should do in times of severe weather. They will also explore the mechanics of simple tools such as pulleys, gears, cranks, and pendulums. There will be an introduction to money. The children will begin to learn to identify coins and bills and will discover that money is used as a form of exchange for goods and services as they play store. They will also be learning letters S, T, and U, and sight words can, could, would, go, and gave. Our numbers are 17 and 18.


  Our memory Bible verse is Jesus said, I am the good shepherd. John 10:11. Our Bible stories will include Jesus Teaches Us About the Lost Sheep, Noah’s Ark, and Jesus Calms the Storm. The children will learn that Jesus will always be there to watch over them.


  There is No School on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7. Our teachers will be conducting Junior Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held in person this year. If you have not signed up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so 

as soon as possible. I know the teachers are looking forward to meeting with you and sharing your child’s evaluation results. 


  Silly Sock Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th. The children can wear their favorite character socks, mismatched socks, or socks they’ve decorated themselves. Be creative and have fun with Silly Sock Day!

  Wednesday, March 19th is Favorite T-Shirt Day for letter T. Wear your favorite t-shirt to school.


  A couple quick reminders: 1. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for the playground. Crocs, sandals, and heals are not easy to wear in the rocks. The children spend more time emptying shoes then playing. 2. Please make sure you are checking and emptying backpacks. 3. Lastly, make sure your child has an extra set of clothes in case of an accident or spilling something on them. Thanks for your help with all of this!

 Junior Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten graduation pictures will be taken in the sanctuary on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Your child should come to school dressed in his/her “Sunday Best” for picture day.  


  Junior Kindergarten graduation program will be held May 20th at 7 p.m.


Here are the words to a finger play and a fun chant you can teach your little one.


Eggs to Chicks

Five eggs and five eggs, that makes ten. (Hold up one hand, and then the other.) Sitting on top is old mother hen. (Make two fists, and then put one on top of the other.) Crackety-crackety, what do I see? (Place one hand above your eyes as if you are looking off into the distance.) Ten little chicks, looking at me! (Point to yourself.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. (Hold up your fingers as you count.) 


Whether the Weather

Whether the weather be hot,

Whether the weather be cold,

Well, whether the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Highlight the following dates on your calendar:


Saturday, March 1

Tuition is due.

Wednesday, March 5


Thursday, March 6

No School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Friday, March 7

No School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Wednesday, March 8

Today is Silly Sock Day

Today is Chapel with Miss Karen

Thursday, March 9

Today is Story Time

Monday, March 10-14

Book Fair

Tuesday, March 11

Fun and Fitness

Wednesday, March 12


Silly Sock Day for Letter S

Thursday, March 13

Art Fair 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 18th

Story Time

Wednesday, March 19th


Favorite T-Shirt Day for Letter T

Monday, March 24-Friday, March 28

No School-Spring Break

Wednesday, April 2

Today is JK picture day 

March 2025

​Dear Parents,

  Spring weather is around the corner, but until then please remember to send your child with the proper outerwear as we try to have outside recess as much as possible. Please note that Adam Lamb Preschool will be closed on March 24 – 28 for Spring Break.


  Our theme for March is Weather - New Life. Our children will be participating in several spring related activities. They will be observing, graphing, and predicting the weather; as well as learning what they should do in times of severe weather. They will also explore the mechanics of simple tools such as pulleys, gears, cranks, and pendulums. There will be an introduction to money. The children will begin to learn to identify coins and bills and will discover that money is used as a form of exchange for goods and services as they play store. They will also be introduced to letters S, T, and U, as well as numbers 12, 13, and 14.


  Our memory Bible verse is Jesus said, I am the good shepherd. John 10:11. Our Bible stories will include Jesus Teaches Us About the Lost Sheep, Noah’s Ark, and Jesus Calms the Storm. The children will learn that Jesus will always be there to watch over them.


  There is No School Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7. Our teachers will be conducting Junior Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten Parent/Teacher Conferences. Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held in person this year. If you have not signed up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so as soon as possible. I know the teachers are looking forward to meeting with you and sharing your child’s evaluation results. 

  Silly Sock Day is scheduled for Wednesday, March 12th. The children can wear their favorite character socks, mismatched socks, or socks they have decorated themselves. Be creative. It’s Silly Sock Day!

  T-Shirt Day is Wednesday, March 19th. The children can wear their favorite t-shirt to school today.

  A couple quick reminders: 1. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for the playground. Crocs, sandals, and heals are not easy to wear in the rocks. The children spend more time emptying shoes then playing. 2. Please make sure you are checking and emptying backpacks. 3. Lastly, make sure your child has an extra set of clothes in case of an accident or spilling something on them. Thanks for your help with all of this!

Junior Kindergarten and Pre-kindergarten graduation pictures will be taken in the sanctuary on Wednesday, April 2, 2025. Your child should come to school dressed in his/her “Sunday best” for picture day.  


Graduation Programs:

Monday, May 19th: Mrs. Durbin at 6 p.m.

Monday, May 19th: Mrs. Stellhorn at 7 p.m.

Tuesday, May 20th: Ms. Tracy at 6 p.m.

Here are the words to a finger play and a fun chant you can teach your little one.


Eggs to Chicks

Five eggs and five eggs, that makes ten. Hold up one hand, and then the other.) Sitting on top is old mother hen. (Make two fists, and then put one on top of the other.) Crackety-crackety, what do I see? (Place one hand above your eyes as if you are looking off into the distance.) Ten little chicks, looking at me! (Point to yourself.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. (Hold up your fingers as you count.) 


Whether the Weather

Whether the weather be hot,

Whether the weather be cold,

Well, whether the weather,

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

Highlight the following dates on your calendar:


Saturday, March 1

Tuition is due. 

Wednesday, March 1

Today is Chapel with Miss Karen

Wednesday, March 5


Thursday, March 6

No School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Friday, March 7

No School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Monday, March 10-14

Book Fair

Wednesday, March 12

Today is Chapel with Miss Karen

Today is Silly Sock Day

Thursday, March 13

Art Fair from 6:00pm-7:30pm

Friday, March 14

Fun and Fitness

Wednesday, March 19

Today is Chapel with Miss Karen

T-Shirt Day - wear your favorite t-shirt

Friday, March 21

Story Time

Monday, March 24–Friday, March 28

No School - Spring Break

Wednesday, April 2

Today is PK Graduation picture day


First Year Preschool
March 2025

Dear Parents,

  Spring weather is around the corner, but until then please remember to send your child with the proper outerwear as we try to have outside recess as much as possible. Please note that Adam Lamb Preschool will be closed on March 24-28 for Spring Break. 


  Our theme for the month of March is Animals and Their Homes. The children will explore farm animals, zoo animals, and pets. They will be introduced to math concepts big/medium/small; long/short; and heavy/light, as well as corresponding vocabulary words such as big/bigger/biggest and heavy/heavier/heaviest. 


  Our memory Bible verse is Jesus said, I am the good shepherd. John 10:11. Our Bible stories will include Jesus Teaches Us About the Lost Sheep, Noah’s Big Boat, and David and the Lions. Our spiritual objective is to teach our students that Jesus cares about everyone.  


  There is No School on Thursday, March 6 for the FYP students. Our teachers will be conducting Junior Kindergarten (JK) and Pre-kindergarten (PK) Parent/Teacher Conferences that day. Information regarding your First Year Preschooler’s progress will be sent home at the end of April. 

  A couple quick reminders: 1. Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate shoes for the playground. Crocs, sandals, and heals are not easy to wear in the rocks. The children spend more time emptying shoes then playing. 2. Please make sure you are checking and emptying backpacks. 3. Lastly, make sure your child has an extra set of clothes in case of an accident or spilling something on them. Thanks for your help with all of this!

Here are the words to a song you can teach your little one.

Noah Works with One Hammer 

Noah works with one hammer, one hammer, one hammer.

Noah works with one hammer all day long.

(Pretend to hammer with one hand.) 

Noah works with two hammers, two hammers, two hammers.

Noah works with two hammers all day long.

(Pretend to hammer with two hands.) 

Continue the song using your feet and head as hammers. 


Highlight the following dates on your calendar:

Saturday, March 1

Tuition is due.

Thursday, March 6

No School Parent/Teacher Conferences

Monday, March 10-14

Book Fair

Tuesday, March 11

Fun and Fitness

Thursday, March 13


Art Fair 6 - 7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, March 18

 Story Time

Thursday, March 20


Monday, March 24–Friday, March 28

Spring Break

News and AnnouncementsApproved Snack List

About Adam Lamb Preschool

Adam Lamb Preschool offers a Christian based early childhood educational program for children 3 - 5 years of age. We are conveniently located in the Dardenne Presbyterian Church in Dardenne Praire, MO and serve the surrounding areas of New Melle, O'Fallon, St. Charles, St. Peters, and Winghaven. Adam Lamb Preschool has been part of these communities since 1987.

Copyright © 2012 Adam Lamb Preschool. All rights reserved.